Imagine it’s 12 months from today, and you have accomplished your Big Goals that you have been dreaming about. What would life look like? How do you feel? What does your best year look like?

What if I told you that it is possible, or at least possible to make some big gains towards your goals? The process of having your best year ever starts when you get clear on where you are right now and where you want to go.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

I 100% believe that anyone can create the life they want they just have to be shown how! It is not always going to be easy, but with some commitment and the right road map you can achieve any goal that you put your mind to and believe that you can achieve. That last part is the secret 🤫 you must stop doubting yourself. You must believe that Big Goal is possible for you.  Download my FREE Goal Planning Guide Here!

12 Steps to Planning your Best Year

Reflect on this past year:

Making a successful plan for 2023 you must first get very clear on where you currently are. This is your Starting Point! Grab a journal or a piece of paper and take the next couple of days to just reflect on what has gone right in the last 12 months. Then the hardest part, reflect on what has held you back, what went wrong. Your best year will be found here! In learning from what went wrong is where you will find the magic.

Let things go:

It’s time to declutter your life, both physically and emotionally. As you are reflecting you may notice that some emotions come up that you either have not dealt with, or even some you thought you had. Sometimes our greatest barrier to not reaching our goal is emotions that we have pushed aside. Decide to deal with them. A plan to let them go!

Define who you are:

To set the best goals for yourself you need to know who you really are. What you really want out of life. This is not who your friends and family think (or expect) you to be. This is who the small quite voice in your head tells you that you are. I could write an entire post about this and I promise to some day soon.

Create a Vision Board:

So please do not laugh! This one is a game changer, and it’s also a cool tool when you are doing your reflecting. So take an afternoon or a couple of hours, visit your craft store, google search some images, and get started on your board for 2023!

Find your Balance:

Goals need to be something you are passionate about! There must be something more when it comes to achieving your goals. If you are going to succeed you must figure out why it is that you want something and what talents, you have that will take you there.

Let Fear Guide you:

Your best year lives somewhere outside of what your current comfort zone looks like. It’s probably going to scary. You may even have some fear about telling others about it. Let that fear be your guide to chasing that big dream. Let it guide you to where you really want to be. “By reaching for what appears to be impossible, we often actually do the impossible: and even when we don’t quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done.” – Jack Welch

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Set Yearly Goals:

Start this year off by listing out 50 – 100 things you want to accomplish in the next year. I want you to write them as if there is nothing that could stand in your way of achieving them.

Upgrade your Habits:

Success is often found in the small things you do daily. Which are habits being so important! Look at your big list that you just wrote out. Now think! If I am going to become her in the next 12 months what are the small things she would be doing daily. (Truth nugget: I started with making my bed every morning. Writing out my 5 most important goals in journal daily. And daily gratitude.)

Start using a Planner:

Now your phone is great for keeping track of appointments, but I want you to think old school paper planner. I want you to have space to write down every day the task, and habits that you need to complete to become the girl you have been dreaming about.

Break Down your Goals:

That Big Scary Goal is always going to be just that if you allow it to be. So break it down into smaller more specific and easily achievable goals. If your goal is to make $100k next year and you currently are only making about $30k, then how are you going to do it. Does that require a different job, or a side hustle?

Review your Goals:

Use that planner to schedule monthly and quarterly reviews to track your progress. Since you have broken your goals down, put deadlines in your planner by when you will have those small steps completed. Think about other even smaller steps to get you to that next step. Make a road map to where you want to go and follow it.

Look at your Friends:

You have likely heard this before! You become like the 5 people that you spend the most time with. If you want to chase some Big Goals, then make sure you are around others who what to do the same. Success requires help! If you are ready to Chase some Big Goals and need a safe space to do so. Then Join me in my Brand-New Facebook Group Here that is launching on January 1st, 2023!

Your Best Year Yet!

I want you to have the absolute best 2023 that you can imagine. I want you to be looking back in 12 months and think. WOW I really did it!

Share with me your biggest scariest Goal in the comments!