It’s the first week of the New Year and everyone is all a buzz about setting new goals. The sad truth is that unless you have a plan to stay focused on those goals you will likely end up like 91% of people and forget all about those goals a few weeks from now.
So how do you do it! How do you stay focused and motivated for the next 12 months on those Goals? How do you make that Dream a reality?
John Maxwell says it best; “Your dream determines your goals. Your goals map out your actions. Your actions create results. And the results bring your success.”
It first starts with a plan!
Here are some tips to stay focused on your Goals in 2023!
Write Out your Goals daily:
Begin each morning by writing down your goals down. This helps you stay mindful of the goals that you are working on. It will also allow your subconscious mind to work on your goals as well. Leading to ideas to help you achieve them faster.
Align your Daily Habits:
Success comes from the small things you do every day! When you are working towards achieving a big goal you will have to start implementing new habits into your day. You may even find you need to remove some habits that are holding you back.
When I first made the decision that I wanted to change our family life. I had to have some hard conversations with myself about some of my daily habits. For me that meant giving up watching multiple hours of Netflix each night and reading more. If you want to be the girl in your dreams you must figure out what that girls’ habits are and start doing them now.
Be Intentional with your Time:
This is huge if you are going to chase a Big Goal. Say your big goal is to quit the current job, for a job you love, or start your own business. At first you will likely have to juggle adding some extra things to you day. Being intentional with your time will allow you the ability to add these things while not taking away time from your family. Or worst cutting out 100% of your fun time.
Create a Vision Board:
I look at my vision board every day! I even have a few of my older boards hanging up nearby as a reminder of how far I have come. You mind loves images. Plus, it is a Fun way of setting your goals. When you are feeling stuck or unmotivated to work towards that goal. Take a few quite moments and just look at your board.
Determine your Why:
I start this process in my journal. It starts out as a list of reason I want to achieve a goal. My big why’s have always been related to time freedom. I want more time with my family. Time home with my son. Your Why may be very different then mine. A great book to read for helping to find your Why is; “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek.
Share your Goals:
Don’t go crazy here! Find a small group or just one person who you know will support you and help hold you accountable and share your goals with them. This is a hard truth, but not everyone wants to see you succeed. It sometimes can be hard for even close family and friends to hear some of your goals. So, choose your person wisely. I have a Facebook Group with woman who would love to cheer you on if you are looking for a safe space to share your goals.
Track your Progress:
Start journaling about your experiences has you chase after this goal. Write about the ups and the downs all along the way. What is working. What isn’t. This will help you figure out if there is something you need to adjust so that you can keep moving forward.
Make Adjustments:
You are going to make mistakes along the way. Do not let them derail you. They are part of the process. The secret is to learn and grow from them and keep pushing forward. When this happens it’s time to make adjustment to your plan. Adjustments can help keep your from making the same mistake twice.
Celebrate the Small Success:
Determine what your small wins will be on the map to your Big Dream and Celebrate them. If your goal is to quit your job and open your own business. Your small wins along the way could be getting your side hustle game going. Making your first paycheck from that side hustle. Whatever your small wins are don’t forget to celebrate them.
Remember that you are not missing out on anything when you are busy working on your dream. Stay focused. Stay Motivated and keep Pushing forward.
Join me in my Facebook Group and let’s make 2023 the year that we see our dreams come true.
Download My Free Goal Setting Planner Here and lets get started working on the life you have been dreaming about.