Making the Most of your Time

Our Time is our most valuable and most limited resource. Think about the last time you wished you had more time? I know I sure have!! All we can do is make the most of the time and the moments that we do have. Here are 5 tips to help you prioritize your day and use the time you do have wisely.

Log your Day!

Do you know where you spend the most time in your day? Most of us say that we do, but the truth is we only have an idea. It can be so easy to lose track of time! Even when we are doing things we have to do everyday. Start my keeping a truthful and accurate time log, Simply track every minute of your day!

This doesn’t have to be fancy or overly complicated. A simple sheet of notebook paper or the notes app on your phone will work perfectly. I need your to Track everything. YES, I mean EVERYTHING! Your drive time, scrolling on your phone, eating, doing chores around your house, getting ready for bed. All of the things.. The Key here is to not cheat yourself, and to be honest.

Caution this has a way of being a big wake up call! On how and what you waste the most time on.

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Use a Timer

Wow, did you think your log would look like that? The log should start to to reveal to you where you use and where you waste the most time. A timer can show you want you can cut back on. Possibly even things you could completely cut off of your day. Say you thought you only spent 20 minutes getting ready for work in the mornings. But it is really closer to 45 or 50.. Using a timer like this one set it for 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, it’s time to head out the door.

Even use the timer at work.

Let’s say your time log shows that you spend about 3 hours a day in your emails. What if you cut that back to 3 times a day for 30 minutes each time. Think about all the other things you can accomplish! What could you do with an extra 1.5 hours in your work day?

Using a Timer has changed my life, I share more about here.

Write things Down

There are so many things that we must do in a single day! It can be hard to keep it all straight. On top of that add in anything extra that seems to pop up throughout the day.. By the end of the day we are often exhausted, overwhelmed, and wondering what did we actually get done today.

Just write things down! This one simple act of getting it out of our heads and onto paper can reduce your daily Stress. It makes it very clear what you need to do. It will ultimate help you to prioritize what needs to get done first. This Planner has been my go to the past couple years for this. I use the left side for work task and my daily schedule. The right side for at home and family task.

Prioritizing your Daily Task

Bonus Step! This process will allow you to determine what your need to Do-Defer-Delegate-Delete from that massive To-List that you just made. The best way to start is simply by looking over your list. Than figuring out which box each task needs to go into.


These are the task with the highest priority a value to them. Often they have some type of deadline in which they need to be completed soon, and should be done first! “Eat that Frog” (by the way if you have not read this book I 100% recommend it)! Once you have knocked a few of these items off your list it will create a momentum in your day.


This is not your procrastination list! ? Truly items that if you put off would not make any significant impact on your day, week, or month. Or that big Goal that you have set! These are typically task that you will use as a way to procrastinate if you keep them on your list. It could be something you want to do, like going shopping, or gardening around the house. I promise you it can wait.


Possibly the hardest one for me personally to add items too.. I totally struggle with saying no! Simple items like household chores, cleaning your house, walking the dog, or even follow up emails. They are task that someone else can do. You could ask your family to pitch in. Even outsource some of these items like hiring a housecleaner, use Instacart and have someone shop for your groceries. (FYI this was the most freeing thing I have ever done, was to hire a housecleaner. She come 2 times a month and honestly frees up so much of time. She is worth her weight in gold.) use Instacart and have someone shop for your groceries. Take a look at your list. What takes up more of your time than you would like for it to? What causes you the most stress, that you could have someone do for you?


We all have things that NEED to get done. And things that we WANT to get done. Importance is to know the difference! If you are always feeling like there is never enough time every day. You know something has got to give. Figure out what that is and delete it from your list. If it doesn’t need to get done or doesn’t align with your priorities DELETE IT!