Finding her - Discover the Girl you were meant to be.

Defining Her! Find the girl you were meant to be.

It happens to the best of us at times. One day we just wake up and realize we have completely lost the girl that we know deep down inside we truly are. We get caught up in the craziness of being a mom, a wife, working our jobs, and the 100’s of other things that moms do every week. We focus on what everyone else needs and forget to focus on ourselves. If you are ready to take back your life and find her again, you were meant to be I am here to help.

I want to make you a promise. You can find “Her” again. You can still be a good mom, and wife all while finding you again. If you are not there yet but know that you have started drifting from happiness and joy, then start now working on you.

Let’s rewind a bit…

It was 2020 for me, it was now or never when I made the leap of faith to start my own business. Call me crazy for doing it smack in the middle of a global pandemic, but the business I was in was booming. If I was going to do it there really was no better time. I jumped both feet in and didn’t look back.

It was great at first, I felt like all my dreams were coming true. Everything that I had been working so hard for was paying off, and it really was. Little did I know that I was in a perfect storm as well. I was so focused on being the very best that I was not focusing on myself. Then it hit my right in the face. Not only was I dealing with some major burn out, but I had completely lost “Her”, and I don’t want that to be you.

So, I want to share with you my tips that helped me get “Her” back. The tips that help me regain my focus and find the girl that I had so quickly lost.

Get Alone with your Self!

If you do nothing else on this list, I want it to be this! You may need a season where it’s just you, and you simply just focus on you. I’m not meaning you need to get away from your kids and husband, but if you can take a few days and get away. Then do it! This past spring and a big part of the Summer was this time for me. Now I didn’t take a 3-month long vacation, but I did limit the outside noise in my life. I would spend afternoons on my deck with a journal, and my bible, and reflect on what really got me where I was.

It’s healing to do some deep refection. It’s eye opening when you really take the time to review your life, and those that are in your life. I had to face some big things this past summer and so may you. I lost what I thought were some good friends, turns out they were never really friends at all.

Figure out what you are good at!

Take an honest look at what your strengths are. Then begin to brainstorm ways that you can use those strengths that are truly important to you.

Acknowledge your weakness.

Once you have spent some time with yourself alone, and really started looking at yourself you will start to uncover your weaknesses. The first step is to look yourself in the eye and admit them. Once you do this, you can start allowing God to use your weaknesses. This is the Gold; this is where you really begin to see who you really are or could be.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

Once you get to this point where you are okay with being in uncomfortable places, you will be able to do anything you want in life. See I believe that being comfortable is what holds most people back. It is the place where you just stay quiet and do what you think you are supposed to be doing. Once you step into the uncomfortable that is where dreams come true. Comfort is holding you back.

Start acting like the person you want to be.

Develop habits and routines that the person you want to would be doing. When you start working on the little things in life the bigger things begin to fall into place.

I know that I really want to write a book sometime in the next year or so. A book about the journey that I have been walking through over the past 11 years. I know that I want to share with the world how I went from broken and lost to finding success. Raising one heck of a teenager who is chasing dreams that I would have been scared out of my mind to even dream at his age. All while pushing not just myself into a successful business but my husband as well. (Get to know more about me)

In conclusion,

becoming “Her” is a process that requires self-reflection, goal setting, and determination. It requires you to look deep within yourself to find what who you truly want to be. It may also require seeking out support and guidance from the people around you and never giving up on your dreams.

If you need to reach out to someone, I am always here. I would be honored to help you on this journey, to finding “her”. If you are just needing a safe space to grow I want to invite you to my New Facebook Group, I have monthly challenges and exclusive content that will help you chase your dreams.

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